True Concept Digital

True Concept Digital is a custom Software Development Company

We provide custom software development and IT outsourcing services. Our developers build custom software for individuals, startups, and small to medium business.

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    We Provide Agile Software Development Services

    We provide custom software development and IT outsourcing services. Our developers build custom software for individuals, startups, and small to medium business.

    We convert your idea into solid, safe, and reliable custom software with our full-cycle software development services, including:

    • Web app solution
    • Mobile app solutions
    • UI/UX

    Our team can provide support at any stage of custom mobile app development, from creating a proof-of-concept app to an MVP:

    • Cross-platform apps for iOS and Android
    • Hybrid and mobile web
    • Native apps development

    Offshore software development services cut costs and optimize business processes. We provide:

    • On-time delivery
    • A dedicated team
    • Flexible pricing

    We create business software solutions to solve workflow issues that enterprises often face, including:

    • Integration of advanced technology apps
    • Business process management
    • Production process automation

    Our team covers all IT strategies and provides IT consulting services that help optimize your business and make it grow:

    • System integration
    • Data analytics
    • Internet of things

    We connect IT systems, microservices & migrate data, including cloud based data, from one database to another by providing:

    • Data integration
    • API integration
    • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

    The Technology Platforms We Use

    As an IT firm, we take the perspectives of our clients and their diverse claims in software development. To help you achieve your goals, we enhance our capacities by working with various programming languages, platforms, and new technologies. The list of what we can do is given below.

    • IOS
    • Android
    • ReactNative
    • Flutter
    • NodeJS
    • Angular
    • React.js
    • Vue.js
    • Spring MVC
    • ASP.NET
    • Nest.js
    • ASP.NET Core
    • Swift
    • C#
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Kotlin
    • Objective-C
    • Typescript
    • Swift
    • C#
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Kotlin
    • Objective-C
    • Typescript

    Want To Develop A Custom Software Solution?

    We Provide Our IT Services to Various Industries

    True Concept Digital Software Development Company has completed projects of varying complexities within a variety of industries. We are experienced in media and entertainment, game development, medicine, the public sector, banking, gambling, and more.

    Our Software Development Cycle

    We apply a systematic approach to complex and simple projects. We follow Agile methodology, Scrum and Kanban, which allow our dedicated team to deliver exceptional apps on time.

    Why should you choose us as your Software development company?

    True Concept Digital is a custom software development company with 18 years of experience.


    Managing our events has always been an issue. True Concept Digital made it simple to add and manage our event from on our website. I continue to recommend them to friends, family and colleagues


    The Yates House for Military Veterans

    Our Vision for our company website was realized and much more. True Concept Digital’s process is astonishingly simple but yet very effective. Also the design and print quality of our company business cards are outstanding, thanks for doing an amazing job Steve. Highly Recommended!


    CEO Sure Mechanical

    We needed to create a proof of concept (POC) of our healthcare platform so we are working with True Concept Digital.  The POC is amazing and are in the process of creating the MVP. We especially like the Mobile application and how easy it is to use. After the MVP and investor funding we’ll create the complete HATRIK platform.



    Thumbs Up to the amazing team at True Concept Digital. We love our website and Logo. We will continue to use them for all our software and marketing needs.


    A&Q Laundry Room

      Tell us about your project


      Software development is the conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, and other software components. Software development is a process of writing and maintaining the source code, however, it incorporates everything from the origination of the ideal programming to the last appearance of the product, occasionally in an organized process. Software development may include research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, and any other exercises that result in programming items.

      Software can be produced for a variety of purposes, the three most basic being to address explicit issues for a particular customer/business (e.g., custom software), to meet an apparent need for potential clients (e.g., commercial and open-source software), or for individual use (e.g., a researcher may compose programming to computerize an everyday undertaking). Embedded software development, which is utilized to control consumer products, requires the development procedure to be integrated with the development of the controlled physical item.

      The need for better quality control of the software development process has given rise to the software engineering discipline, which applies the systematic approach of the engineering paradigm to the process of software development.

      There are numerous ways to deal with software programming management, including software development life cycle models, philosophies, or procedures. A cascade model is a customary form, notable among the latest innovations of Agile software development.

      Below are some tips on how to choose a software development company that will be a perfect match for you!

      These are the key issues to consider before you hire a software development company, based on our company’s experience.

      • Define your objectives, resources, and timeframe.
      • Get referrals from people.
      • Look at the company’s portfolio.
      • Consider the size of your software project and be aware that many custom software development companies primarily work with projects of a particular size (e.g., multi-year or multi-enterprise projects).
      • Check out the company’s technology stack.
      • Consider these questions:
        • Do you spot innovative technologies?
        • What do you think of the app designs? Do they provide you with a satisfying user experience?
        • Does the company openly share its approach or development processes for a particular target audience?
        • Does the company have experience with software that is in any way similar to yours?
      • Find out if you will be provided continuous support and maintenance for your app.
      • Consider the geographical location.
      • Emphasize good communication skills.
      • Clarify the company’s application ownership policy.

      Agile software development involves different ways of dealing with software development in which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative efforts of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customer(s) or end user(s). It includes adaptive planning, cutting-edge development, early delivery, and further maintenance, and it encourages rapid and flexible reactions to any changes.

      The qualities and standards espoused in this manifesto were derived from and underpin a broad range of software development frameworks, including Scrum and Kanban.

      The software development life cycle (SDLC) defines tasks that are performed at each stage in the software development process. The SDLC is a structure followed by a development team within a software company.

      The SDLC consists of the following activities:

      • Planning: The most important stages of software development—requirement gathering or requirement analysis—are usually completed by the most skilled and experienced software engineers in the organization. Once all the requirements have been gathered from the stakeholders, the next step is to determine the scope of the project and create a scope document.
      • Implementation: The software engineers start coding according to the client’s requirements.
      • Testing: This step helps reveal defects or bugs in the created software.
      • Documentation: Every project has its own documentation for every step and future reference. This helps a lot with improvements in the development process. The design documentation may include the described interface in a written form (API).
      • Deployment: After it is approved, the software is released.
      • Maintaining: Software maintenance is done for future reference. Software upgrades or changes can take longer than the creation of the initial software variant.

      The price range is very broad and there are numerous aspects that contribute to the costs of custom software development.

      What Impacts the Cost of Custom Software?

      Consider the following factors when determining the costs of and creating a budget for custom software development.

      • Software Size: The more screens or pages an app has, the more work needs to be done to create an application, and the more expensive it will be to deliver. Small applications range from 10–25 screens, medium applications range from 25–40, and large applications include anything with more than 40 screens or pages.
      • Software Complexity: Complicated logic takes more time to code and test. If a custom software application performs a lot of heavy analysis, scoring, or number crunching, or if a code has a lot of nuances and permutations, this complexity will require more focus and could increase the cost.
      • Creative Design: Creative design in custom software development is where a customer gets to choose different fonts and color palettes, among other things. Much like when someone is designing and decorating a house, the more extravagant the design needs and wants, the more expensive the costs tend to be.
      • Integration With Other Systems: Integrating with other systems introduces a lot of unknown variables into the final cost. Sometimes the integrations are effortless, but sometimes they are extremely difficult. Typical integrations, such as popular payment providers or credit check services, are easy to integrate. However, older or lesser-known systems may pose a challenge and increase the project cost and duration.
      • Migration of Existing Data: If you have data in an existing system that needs to be moved into a new application, assuming it is more than someone can feasibly type in by hand, then it will require migration. Migration is nothing more than custom scripts that take data out of an old system, dust it off, and reshape it so it can fit into the new system. The steps of this process are fairly straight-forward, but there are a lot of questions and decisions that need to be made since the two systems will store the data differently. Migration is run a few times after the software is completed to make sure everything has been translated correctly and the new system is using the data as desired. The time spent on figuring out the translation rules, writing the scripts, and performing tests and adjustments will add to the project duration and costs.

      On average, software development time can vary from 3 to 9 months, depending on the complexity of the software and the structure of your project. Each stage of software development process takes different amounts of time, but the most time-consuming parts are:

      • Requirements gathering: 2-4 months
      • Design: 6-12 weeks
      • Development and prototyping: 2-6 months
      • Testing: 3-6 weeks
      • Submission to App Store or Google Play: up to 2 weeks
      • Maintenance and updates: any length of time. Maintenance may span for 20 years, whereas additional development may be 1–2 years

      For instance, a well-designed landing page can be developed in 1-2 months. But if we’re talking about a full-fledged platform, such as an enterprise social network, then the timeline will range from 6 to 7 months.

      It’s the same with game development — a visual novel game like Romance Club will take up to 2 months. However, a poker game application takes an average of 6 months.

      Basic mobile app development takes 2-3 months. Moderate — 4-6 months. Complex — 6-9 months or even more.